March 28, 2022
Ultimate Smokey Kelp Popcorn Recipe
Ultimate Smokey Popcorn Recipe
Eating kelp doesn't have to be tricky. The truth is, kelp is more versatile than you'd think.
We've played around with some ingredients and have landed on a stellar mix of seasonings that will bring your popcorn to the next level!
What you'll need:
- 1/2 cup popcorn kernels
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- (OR 1 bag microwave popcorn)
Smokey Kelp Seasoning Mix
- 2 tbsp Smoked Kelp Seasoning
- 1 tsp nutritional yeast
- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- cracked pepper (optional)
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Add all seasoning ingredients together and mix. Add more of any seasoning to taste!
Make popcorn
Stovetop: Heat coconut oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add one or two kernels to the oil and when they pop, add the remaining popcorn kernels to the hot oil.
Cover the pot with a lid, put on oven mitts, and when the popcorn starts to pop, gentle shake the pot side to side as the popcorn pops.
When you no longer hear popping, it's done!
Careful not to burn the bottom. - Microwave: Follow directions on the bag!
Add your favourite butter or oil coating to the popcorn. Sprinkle seasoning evenly over the popcorn and then probably add extra smoked kelp seasoning, because it's the best!
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